Former Ambassador of Germany in the "red zone" in Baghdad .. Two years of isolation and fear 2014-10-26T11:23:03.000000Z
" Baghdadi’s city " which sparked a sectarian war .. Why does not ISIS put it in its priority? 2014-10-22T12:05:21.000000Z
Kurdish women rebel on ISIS and the latter armed with the thought of "ending slavery led to an increase of adultery and fornication" 2014-10-19T12:01:11.000000Z
10 $ for a female slave in ISIS market.. How Duniya and Amsha managed to escape 2014-10-15T11:59:24.000000Z
Fears of repeating scenario of Buddha statue in Afghanistan..IS threatening effects of Babylon and the history of Iraq 2014-10-09T07:58:46.000000Z
Female suicide bomber carries out attack against ISIS as Kurdish fighters repel assault on Syrian border town 2014-10-07T17:56:45.000000Z
ISIS and Baghdad siege on Kurdistan hit the economy and drives 100 thousand into unemployment 2014-09-30T11:01:38.000000Z