Al-Sadr: Iraq is captive of corruption, dependency, and foreign interference 2022-07-09T19:42:48.000000Z
Sadrist officeholders will not be ousted under the CF government, MP says 2022-07-08T12:57:45.000000Z
Iraq will not go back to consensus, a self-proclaimed advisor of al-Sadr says 2022-07-02T19:09:56.000000Z
The Sadrist renews its suggestion: dissolving the parliament, having new elections 2022-07-02T09:52:25.000000Z
Sadrist leading figure to the Coordination Framework: the fire you made will burn everyone 2022-06-25T20:53:05.000000Z
Sadrist candidates replacing the resigned MPs will not accept the post, source says 2022-06-20T13:11:29.000000Z