MP of Basra calls for the governorate's people support to obtain its rights 2021-03-23T14:21:44.000000Z
More than half of the Iraqi deputies submitted formal request to dissolve the parliament 2021-03-20T17:02:40.000000Z
The Finance Committee approves the amendment on Kurdistan’s share of the budget 2021-03-19T20:18:05.000000Z
The Parliament convenes to pass the Federal Court bill amid Kurdish boycott 2021-03-18T16:36:47.000000Z
Al-Halbousi convened with the Shiite blocs to settle the differences over the Federal Court 2021-03-18T14:28:42.000000Z
The Parliament will vote on the federal court and the budget bills today, MP says 2021-03-18T10:09:46.000000Z
Kurdish blocs warns of the consequences of approving the Federal Court law 2021-03-16T12:21:02.000000Z