Parliamentary blocs reach a deadlock on the Federal Court law

Parliamentary blocs reach a deadlock on the Federal Court law

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi parliament held its session on Thursday chaired by the Speaker, Mohammed Al-Halabousi, and attended by 240 members 

A source from the Parliament stated to Shafaq News Agency, "many meetings were held prior to this session to reach an agreement over the Federal Court Law."

 The source explained that the negotiations reached an impasse, "they agreed to vote on the law and postpone voting on the controversial issues."

 During the session, the Parliament ratified the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international 1972 convention for Safe Containers, the Convention on the Recognition of Foreign Arbitration and their Implementation (New York, 1958), the amendment of the law of accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international road traffic Convention of 1968 and the European agreement supplementing it for the year 2006 No. 30 of the year 2015.

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