Saddam's lawyer to Obama: jihadists will arrive your house and abduct your family

Saddam's lawyer to Obama: jihadists will arrive your house and abduct your family

your house and abduct some of your family.

Aref said in a special message addressed to the President of the United States, seen by "Shafaq News" Dear Mr. Obama .. I've warned you remember 2010?

"In my letter to your Excellency four years ago, particularly in 2010 , I warned you that al-Qaeda and Islamic groups will be the second pole in this world plagued with their catastrophic crimes."

Arif considered the "Islamic groups will be the second pole on the planet as long as injustice continues," adding that "his message of warning were not only predicating the future through his vision as a human being possesses a mind of reality imposed by the United States.".

He added that "the injustice that you have practiced and still doing will lead hundreds of thousands or even millions to join under the banner of the Salafist groups and Islamic groups will appear and will reach it to the edge of the abyss and you will not be able to withstand these armed groups."

He said "but I can almost say that these groups will reach even to the gates of you door in particular and may abduct your family members and take them as hostage and I do not rule it out .. as long as there is injustice, things will go in this direction."

The letter added, "Dear Sir, your rockets and army cannot stop the growth of these religious groups until you stop the injustice."

The United States is leading efforts to form a broad international coalition to strike ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

It is worth mentioning that Arif and four years ago, particularly in 2010 had sent a letter to the American President warns them that al-Qaeda attracts tremendously more followers and gain more in the future, as it will be one of the poles of power in the world.

Arif said in his letter to Obama, "I'm not a Predictor of the future, I simply feel and I am suffering of the oppressed Iraqi people at the hands of decision makers, the bad guys in your country .. They did the ugliest and ashamed crime in history and over seven years they killed millions of people .. you've destroyed our country , destroyed the factories , destroyed the infrastructure of schools , destroyed the environment by uranium and hundreds of thousands of millions were arrested , you led the country back to tens of years back .. three days before you come Mr.President and your army declares that the United States Army did a stunning task in Iraq .. How do you justify for yourself Excellency President to describe your barbaric and brutal action as a stunning work (unless you mean that this work was amazing by its crimes and this is what I hope ", according to what he said.

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