Iran, Kurdistan sign trade agreement to boost economic ties

Iran, Kurdistan sign trade agreement to boost economic ties
2024-10-30 17:50

Shafaq News/ The Iranian news agency IRNA reported, on Wednesday, that an economic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed to facilitate joint trade between Iran’s Arvand Free Zone—encompassing Abadan, Khorramshahr, and Minushahr (Minu Island)—and the Chambers of Commerce of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Located in western Iran, Arvand Free Zone is strategically positioned near Iraq and Kuwait, where the Arvand and Karun rivers meet, providing advantageous transport links via land, rail, sea, and air.

According to IRNA, “Arvand Free Zone is one of Iran’s largest and most important commercial and industrial free zones, given its proximity to the Persian Gulf and its well-developed network of international ports, a modern airport, and an extensive road and rail system. These attributes make it a prime hub for trade and investment with neighboring countries, including the Kurdistan Region.”

Commenting on the MoU, Mustafa Abdul Rahman Abdullah, head of Kurdistan’s Exporters and Importers Union, highlighted the enduring economic ties between the Region and Iran, expressing appreciation for Iran’s support during “difficult times.”

Abdullah noted ongoing efforts to increase trade volume with Iran, emphasizing that “a significant portion of Kurdistan's imports and exports pass through Iranian borders.”

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