Barzani welcomes budget approval, expresses regret over "improper conduct"

Barzani welcomes budget approval, expresses regret over "improper conduct"

Shafaq News / The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, welcomed the approval of Iraq's tripartite budget while expressing regret over what he described as improper conduct accompanying the parliamentary discussions. He called for the fair implementation of the budget provisions, taking into account the constitutional status of the Kurdistan Region within the Iraqi state.

In his statement, President Barzani said, "We welcome the approval of Iraq's tripartite federal budget and hope that it will become a good roadmap for economic progress, political stability, and create a suitable environment for investment. We commend all the gentlemen who worked diligently for the interests of the citizens and equality among the people of Iraq."

He added, "It is unfortunate that the discussions in the Council of Representatives witnessed improper actions towards the rights of the Kurdistan Region and the disputed territories by some MPs," considering, "what happened does not align with the principles of the political agreement of the state's administration alliance. This approach and manner of dealing does not serve the political process and the situation and future of Iraq."

Barzani emphasized that "the General Budget Law must be implemented fairly, taking into account the status of the Kurdistan Region as a political constitutional entity, as well as the disputed territories and their rights and interests."

He also stressed that "there should be full reassurance that the financial dues and salaries of those receiving salaries in the Kurdistan Region will not face obstacles or be neglected for political reasons."

The Region's President further stated that "what we witnessed during the discussion of the general budget is a source of deep concern, and this fact once again proves that the division among Kurdish parties harms the Kurdistan Region, along with other consequences."

"Through joint political will and considering the public interest, we can take this opportunity to enhance trust between us, reorganize our house better, ease tensions, and resolve disputes to strengthen the power of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region", he concluded.

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