Barzani expresses gratitude for Macron's Support for KRI

Barzani expresses gratitude for Macron's Support for KRI

Shafaq News / The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, commended the pivotal role played by French President Emmanuel Macron and lauded France's steadfast support for both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

These statements were made during meeting that brought together President Barzani and Patrick Durel, the Middle East and North Africa Affairs Advisor to the French President.

In a statement, the Kurdistan Region Presidency disclosed that the discussions between President Barzani and Advisor Durel revolved around President Macron's anticipated visit to Iraq. The exchange of opinions encompassed the intricate fabric of France's relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, delving deep into the internal dynamics of the Kurdish territory.

Both sides underscored the paramount significance of France's ties with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, emphasizing France's active involvement in the international coalition against ISIS. In unison, they underscored the imperative need for France's support in the current phase.

Regarding the internal affairs of the Kurdistan Region, both parties emphatically stressed the importance of cohesion and unity among the political factions within the Kurdistan Region, as well as the solidarity and coherence of its stance in Baghdad. They tackled the intricacies of Erbil-Baghdad relations and engaged in dialogue aimed at resolving the lingering issues between the two entities.

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed heartfelt appreciation for President Macron's role and France's unwavering support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. Addressing the ongoing challenges with Baghdad, he affirmed the Kurdistan Region's perpetual readiness for resolution in accordance with the constitutional framework and the dictates of the federal system.

The statement also shed light on the plight of displaced persons and refugees in the Kurdistan Region, along with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region's relations with neighboring countries and regional states. The recent developments in the ISIS conflict in Iraq and Syria, as well as the overall regional situation, formed yet another focal point of the discussion.

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