1173 dead in the conflict between the PKK and Turkey

1173 dead in the conflict between the PKK and Turkey

Shafaq News / 1173 fighter perished in the ongoing conflict between the Turkish army and Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in 2020, according to a statement by the latter.

The armed conflict between the PKK and the Turkish army has escalated drastically since the mid of the current year as the battles are taking place in Kurdistan region's border areas with Turkey.

The spokesman of the relations committee of Kurdistan Community Union (the political wing of the Kurdistan Workers Party), Hiwa Zagros, said that the Kurdistan Workers' Fighters (Krilla) launched 393 military operations against the Turkish army during the current year, killing 946 Turkish soldiers.

On the other hand, according to Zagros statements to Shafaq News Agency, the Turkish army launched 1257 sorties and 120 ground operations against the PKK, killing 227 Kurdish fighters in the same period.

Since last June, the Turkish army has intensified its attacks against PKK fighters in the border areas of Kurdistan Region with Turkey. Large areas in the Kurdistan Region have turned into an open battlefield between the two sides. The residents of hundreds of villages sought refuge away from the conflict areas, in addition to massive losses in lives and properties.

The Kurdistan region authorities have repeatedly called on both sides to keep the region away from their conflict.

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