Sagami: Willing to go to the court on the murder of journalist, Kawa Garmiyani

Sagami: Willing to go to the court on the murder of journalist, Kawa Garmiyani

announced his willingness to appear before the courts, a thousand times on the background of the assassination of journalist , Kawa Garmiyani.

Sankawi said in a statement to the ministry's website , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that “ he is ready to attend a court hearing a thousand times regarding the special file of the assassination of journalist , Kawa Garmiyani , noting that he met three calls to the court during the last period”.

“Awena” Kurdish newspaper published a news quoting Court Judge of Kalar , Hussein Muhee al-Dien said the court will call , Mahmoud Sangawi who threatened the journalist , Kawa and was assassinated by unknown assailants who shot him in front of his home in Kalar town , the Management Centerof Garmian in Kurdistan region two weeksago.

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