Parliament delays its session

Parliament delays its session

The source told “Shafaq News", that “lack of quorum prevented from conducting the session”.

For his part, the head of the state of law, MP Khalid al-Attiyah announced that Tripartite Commissions’ dialogues, which was formed yesterday didn reach any results after discussing the budget, confirming the continuation of State of law coalition to boycott the sessions until including the budget for the second reading .

Al-Attiyah said at a news conference attended by MPs of state of law that, "The budget is the most important thing for Parliament for being related to the structure and funding of the state , therefore, the budget should not be delayed “.

"The budget has been read the first reading , according to the rules of procedure as it must be presented for the second reading within the specified period , but we were surprised that the presidency of the parliament didn’t submit the budget on the agenda and the formation of a tripartite committee for discussion and access to the solution."

"The Committee has already held several meetings yesterday and did not reach a conclusion , therefore, there is no justification for not submitting the budget for the second reading “.

Attiyah confirmed that " State of law will not attend the meetings and will continue to boycott until submitting the budget for the second reading ."

For his part, MP Haider al-Abadi said that " the Tripartite Committee submitted several points during the meetings which are suitable for discussion and dialogue , but within the internal law , as we will not be able to open the door of the debate until after the second reading of the budget”.

"The budget has a significant effect on the interests of the Iraqi people and the reconstruction of all of Iraq's provinces , including Anbar and delaying it is a delay for the interests of the people."

"The main dispute point with the region is focused around our desire for oil export revenues to be deposited in the Development Fund for Iraq to be distributed to the regions and provinces , but there are parties that do not want to make it happen,” he added.

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