New commander to Wasit police assigned

New commander to Wasit police assigned

Shafaq News/ A security source said on Saturday that the Iraqi Interior Ministry has assigned a new police commander of Wasit province.

The source told Shafaq News that the Interior Ministry decided to assign Major General , Hassan Hashim to the post of police chief of Wasit province.

As the Iraqi Interior Ministry announced on Saturday the general position on the events in Baghdad and several provinces of popular protests.

The Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced on Saturday the general position on the overall events witnessed in Baghdad and several provinces of popular protests.

The ministry said in a statement received to Shafaq News that "while the Ministry of Interior commends the great stance of the Supreme Religious Reference Guidance in Friday sermon, the Ministry of Interior affirms that the right to peaceful protest is guaranteed by the Iraqi Constitution and laws in force to ensure the preservation of the lives of citizens not to attack public and private property, where several demonstrations took place in Baghdad and the provinces, and we would like to show the general position on the overall events as follows:

  1. The security forces have secured the protection of demonstrators and demonstrations sites responsibly and with high restraint by not using firearms or excessive force against demonstrators at all.
  2. The security forces suffered a large number of injuries in their ranks, which led to the death and injury of many of them as a result of the exploitation of some for the peaceful demonstrations by assaulting the security forces with firearms, pomegranates and other means such as stones by diverting the demonstration from its peaceful path.
  3. The fall of a number of martyrs and wounded as a result of clashes and protections elements of institutions and headquarters of political forces in exchange with the attackers who stormed and burned the headquarters of those forces.
  4. There have been many cases of attacks on government buildings, schools, public and private property, and the headquarters of political movements. Therefore, several judicial arrest warrants have been issued against those who do so according to a statement of the Supreme Judicial Council and in accordance with the provisions of Article (197) of the Iraqi Penal Code No. (111) of 1969. That identifies severe penalties imposed against anyone who forcibly attempt to occupy any property or public buildings or reserved for government departments, utilities or institutions.
  5. There were some vandals to the headquarters of the federal government in the capital Baghdad contrary to the instructions, taking advantage of peaceful demonstrations and this is a great danger to the symbolism of the state and public order that existed for the benefit of citizens and their security.

In conclusion, we must pay tribute to the great role played by the security forces, which adhered to the rules of engagement and the principles of human rights to deal peacefully without the use of any excessive force towards them and not to carry firearms at all, as we pay tribute to the role of peaceful demonstrators who were greeting security forces and cooperate with them cordially. We strongly condemn burning public institutions, facilities and citizens' homes, as the law considers them as criminal offenses, which are severely punished and have nothing to do with peaceful demonstrations. "


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