Anbar Council: Lawsuits to be filed against tribal rebels

 Anbar Council: Lawsuits to be filed against tribal rebels
in general against " Daash " , revealing that the people of the district decided to file lawsuits against those who belong to the so-called " tribal rebels   " .

Tribal rebels is a name called on militants at the beginning of the outbreak of armed clashes in Anbar cities, but the federal government considers them as supportive elements for " Daash ."

"The people of Rawa have filed lawsuits against those who incite for violence in Anbar province, after the bombing of the city’s bridge which targeted a wedding convoy , killing about 15 people,” The deputy chairman of the provincial council , Faleh al-Issawi told “Shafaq News”.

“ Rawa bridge incident revealed the terrorist groups’ truth and what has been called as tribal rebels ," adding that "no one belongs to a tribe in Anbar accept what happened in Rawa ."

“Some media has broadcasted fabricated news about Rawa incident to indicate that the bombing targeted army and police forces , while in fact no one of the security element was hurt , but it has targeted a wedding procession directly ."

More than half a million people have been displaced from different cities of Anbar, after nearly two and a half months of continuous clashes between security forces and " Daash elements."

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