Will the high-level meetings among the Iraqi leaders attain their goals?

Will the high-level meetings among the Iraqi leaders attain their goals?

Shafaq News/ On Monday, a delegation from the Sadrist Movement arrived in Erbil to discuss with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) forming the new government.

A political source told Shafaq News Agency, "A delegation of the Sadrist Bloc headed by Hassan Al-Azari, arrived in Kurdistan's capital and met with the KDP leader, Hoshyar Zebari." 

The source did not give further details.

During this period, more frequent periodic meetings and encounters are held among all political parties to follow up many entitlements, including forming the new Iraqi government and choosing the prime minister, selecting the new Speaker of Parliament, and the president of Iraq.

Earlier today, a source revealed to our Agency that a delegation from the Sadrist Movement, and another consisting of Sunni parties, will visit Erbil to meet the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani. 

The head of Takadum bloc, Mohammad Al-Halbousi, will convene with the leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, within days.

Al-Halbousi believed that Al-Sadr's support would move him forward to head the parliament for another session, especially after sources revealed that the Sadrist parliamentary seats increased to 80 by allying with other winners.

Meanwhile, another meeting is expected between the Coordination Framework and the head of the al-Azm bloc, Khamis al-Khanjar, to settle "allegiances." 

In addition, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Jamal Kocher, said that the Party and the Kurdistan Democratic Party will meet today to nominate a candidate for the Iraqi Presidency.

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