UN nominates Omani diplomat for Iraq mission leadership amid political reservations

UN nominates Omani diplomat for Iraq mission leadership amid political reservations

Shafaq News/ The United Nations has nominated Mohammed bin Awad, Oman's permanent representative to the UN, as the new head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), an Iraqi government source revealed on Wednesday.

This nomination follows an unanimous decision by the UN Security Council to end the UN's political mission in Iraq and conclude the tenure of the current chief, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert.

A report by the UAE-based Eram News indicated that some political entities, which were not named, expressed discontent with Awad's candidacy, preferring a non-Arab foreigner for the role. The reasons for this opposition were not disclosed.

In an official correspondence on May 8, the Iraqi government requested the UN Security Council to conclude the UN mission in Iraq by the end of 2025.

In response, the Security Council voted unanimously last Friday to end the UN mission established in 2003, which was aimed at coordinating humanitarian efforts and reconstruction post-war.

Under the new resolution, the UN extended UNAMI's mandate for 19 months until December 31, 2025, and will then develop a "transition plan" in cooperation with the Iraqi government to transfer responsibilities and withdraw personnel and assets.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, the outgoing head of UNAMI, has played a key role in mediating conflicts among political parties, particularly around legislative elections and government formations. She also actively monitored human rights violations during the October 2019 protests.

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