The United States supports efforts to return the Yazidis remnants, U.S. general Consul says

The United States supports efforts to return the Yazidis remnants, U.S. general Consul says

Shafaq News/ The U.S. Consul General in Erbil, Roberto Palladino, announced on Tuesday that the United States supports efforts to liberate the remaining Yazidi kidnapped "from the grip of ISIS."

In a social activity held in Erbil, Palladino said to discuss the genocide of the Yazidi Kurds, "the United States is proud of such efforts and provides more support for these components… to return to their normal lives."

"We tell the Yazidis' stories for the international community to work to prevent their recurrence," he added.

The American diplomat pointed out that the United States provided $470 million to the displaced people in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region to return homes.

The Yazidis are an ancient religious minority who combine Zoroastrian, Christian, Manichean, Jewish, and Muslim beliefs.

ISIS killed more than 3,000, enslaved 7,000 Yazidi women and girls, and displaced most of the 550,000-strong community from its ancestral home in northern Iraq.

UNITAD, the U.N. team investigating ISIS crimes in Iraq, has discovered more than 80 mass graves in Sinjar and has exhumed 19 of them since March 2019. It has so far identified 104 bodies by DNA samples.

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