The Sadrist Movement: all appeals and complaints should be solved by law

The Sadrist Movement: all appeals and complaints should be solved by law

Shafaq News/ The Sadrist Movement renewed its position rejecting manual counting of votes and any political interference on the results of the parliamentary elections, stressing that all appeals and complaints should be solved by law.

The former deputy of the Sairoon Alliance, Riyadh Al-Masoudi, told Shafaq News Agency that the House of Representatives Elections Law No. 9 of 2020 is the criterion for all political parties rejecting the election results, as it defines all legal procedures, the distribution of seats, and mechanisms for dealing with electoral complaints and appeals.

Al-Masoudi affirmed that there are no intentions to re-count the votes manually.

He also expressed the Sadrist bloc's rejection of any political action from some political parties that "use the street and the media to mix papers and create chaos that confuses the political scene."

"The Sadrist Movement supports the procedures of the High Electoral Commission to deal legally and accurately with the appeals and complaints submitted by political parties and candidates participating in the elections." He concluded.

Head of Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi Al-Amiri objected to the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections in Iraq, describing them as "fabricated."

In a brief press statement, Al-Amiri said, "We do not accept these fabricated results, whatever the price. We will defend the votes of our candidates and voters with full force."

Earlier, an official in the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, "Abu Ali Al-Askari," also rejected the results, which showed a noticeable decline in most of the political arms of the "resistance" factions.

In turn, the "Coordinating Committee of the Resistance factions," which includes Shiite political forces, said, "...we announce our appeal against the announced results and our non-acceptance, we will take all measures to prevent voter manipulation."

According to the preliminary results, the Al-Fateh Alliance, a prominent Shiite force, won 14 seats after 48 seats in the 2018 elections.

The "Sadr bloc" still keeps the highest number of seats in Parliament with 73.

After announcing the results, dozens demonstrated in different governorates.

Shafaq News Agency correspondents said that demonstrators gathered in front of the offices of the Independent High Electoral Commission in Kirkuk, Basra, and other places calling the federal government to cancel the elections results that took place on the tenth of this month.

Earlier, Demonstrators protesting the results have set up sit-in tents near the heavily fortified Green Zone, downtown the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

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