The Directorate of Environment resorts to law to stop an environmental crime

The Directorate of Environment resorts to law to stop an environmental crime

Shafaq News/ The Directorate of Environment in Dhi Qar revealed the circumstances of a "heinous environmental crime" committed by the Directorate of Sewerage in the governorate.

The head of the Environment Directorate, Karim al-Ani, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "long ago, our Directorate has discovered that the Directorate of Sewerage has been draining 'heavy water' to the marshlands of Chibayesh."

"We took many measures against this heinous crime. We dispatched a technical team and issued a warning. Then we lodged a shutdown warning and imposed fines, which are the limits of our remits."

"None of those measures moved a hair in the Sewerage directorate. Therefore, the Directorate of Environment resorted to Judiciary. The file now is at the Investigation magistrate's office."

"Our Directorate offered to halt the investigations if the Sewerage directorate installs sewage treatment plant."

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