Sectarian violence in Diyala: field executions and security officers' complicity

Sectarian violence in Diyala: field executions and security officers' complicity

Shafaq News/ Thousands of "Shiite fighters" raided the "Sunni" Nahr Imam village in the aftermath of an ISIS attack on the nearby al-Rashad village in the Diyala governorate yesterday, Tuesday.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the attack was waged on four axes, with 678 fighters from the north, 994 from the south, 395 from the west, and 1470 from the east. "The attackers deployed 43 bulldozers to destroy the orchards in the Nahr Imam village."

The attackers, who belong to the Shiite "Bani Tamim" tribe that resides in al-Rashad village, waged yesterday's attack to avenge the death of their fellow tribespeople in an ISIS attack on Tuesday evening.

Iraqi security forces were deployed in the village in the aftermath of the raid, the source said.

The Sectarian violence incident comes in the aftermath of the ISIS terrorist attack on al-Rashad village that resulted in killing 14 victims and wounding 15 others.

"Afada" Observatory quoted eyewitnesses reporting that the attackers raided the Nahr Imam village using four-wheel drives, "some of which carry the logo of the PMF."

"They carried out field executions, burnt houses, a Healthcare center, vehicles, and orchards". The source said.

"A colonel who serves in the Baquba operations sector said that the executions were carried out in the recent few hours, some of which inside the residence of the attackers."

"The Security forces were pre-informed about the attack, but they failed to preclude it," the source said, "the Police Chief in the territory and the Commander of the Regiment are also involved. But they did not move an inch."

Two women, according to the Observatory, were found dead inside their burnt residences.

The attackers burnt the only Healthcare facility in the village down to ashes, in addition to a nearby mosque (al-Rahman), orchards, more than 30 vehicles, and totally destroyed nine houses.

A local tribal leader told Shafaq News Agency, "the people are trying to leave the village from the road leading to Shawk al-Rim village. They addressed the former and incumbent MPs after the security authorities failed to respond to them."

"The main reason for the attack is emptying the villages and cities from their is surprising to hold the people of a village who were scrutinized on multiple occasions. It paves the way to a Sharia that is ruled by the armed groups."

Afada held the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, and the security Command the legal and moral liability for the attack "executed by a group known for its criminal record under the pretext of al-Rashad attack.

The Observatory said that an investigation shall be opened into the failure of the security forces to rush to the site. "the circumstances of the crime are still undisclosed because the territory is entirely sealed by the security forces."

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