Sadrist MP: We are following up on the leaks file

Sadrist MP: We are following up on the leaks file

Shafaq News / MP of the Sadrist movement, Ghaleb al-Omairi, said on Tuesday that the judiciary's responsibility is to collect and not discuss evidence, noting that the movement is following up on the leaked voice recordings file.

Al-Omairi said in a Facebook post, "20 days have passed since and al-Karkh Investigation Court has not issued its ruling in the leaks case yet, even though it is a case that threatens civil peace."

"It is the investigative judge's responsibility to collect", he added. 

The resigning representative said, "We (the Sadrist movement) will follow up on the leaks file until the perpetrator is brought to justice," adding, "Reforming the judiciary is fundamental to building a state."

Last month, a series of leaked recordings, attributed to former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, appeared, in which he allegedly insults influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and al-Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF).

For his part, al-Maliki, said that al-Hashd al-Shaabi's (PMF) leaders and members are "a whole nation of Jihadists".

He added, "Fabrications and falsification will never succeed in ruining my relationship with our armed forces and al-Hashd al-Shaabi, who are the protectors of the homeland, as well as the country's political process."

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