Russia-Iraq relations witnessing robust progress, asserts Putin

Russia-Iraq relations witnessing robust progress, asserts Putin

Shafaq News/ Russian President Vladimir Putin extolled the burgeoning relations between Moscow and Baghdad during a ceremonious event at the Kremlin Palace, where he received the credentials of an array of newly assigned foreign ambassadors.

Underlining Russia's dedication to upholding Iraq's territorial cohesion and exercising restraint in its domestic matters, Putin declared, "We unequivocally support the unity of Iraqi territories and the principle of non-intervention in its internal affairs."

The proclamation highlights Moscow's steadfast position on fortifying diplomatic ties with Baghdad amid massive changes in the Middle East and the world.

The Russian president delved into the multifarious cooperation between the two countries, referencing the plethora of collaborative ventures in diverse sectors throughout Iraq.

Putin underscored the thriving trade exchange between Russia and Iraq, which has showcased unwavering growth over the preceding two years.

In his discourse to the foreign dignitaries, Putin broached the most pressing issues of Russian foreign policy, reasserting his nation's preparedness to collaborate with all countries without discrimination.

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