MP warns of "Ramadan raids" in Saladin

MP warns of "Ramadan raids" in Saladin

Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee said today, Tuesday, that ISIS might resume its attacks targeting the security forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi and the military stationing points.

Member of the committee, Deputy Jassem Al-Jabara, told Shafaq News agency, "ISIS is trying to prepare for terrorist attacks to target security sites and sectors in remote administrative units, or near cities, under the title of the so-called (Ramadan raids), which the organization launches annually."

"The organization's members are using the techniques of stealth and remote attack using modern sniper weapons or advanced medium to long-al-Hashd."

Al-Jabara called for, "strengthening security sites and intelligence alert to anticipate any attacks before they occur, to avoid any casualties during the holy month," stressing, "monitoring points should be through advanced cameras to detect movements of the organization's elements at night, and prevent repeating last Ramadan's scenario."

Saladin areas witnessed during Ramadan last year a wave of attacks and accidents that affected the security forces and al-Hashd, causing dozens of casualties, including civilians and security personnel.

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