Iraq's Intelligence detains nine terrorists across four governorates

Iraq's Intelligence detains nine terrorists across four governorates

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the Iraqi Military Intelligence Directorate announced the arrest of nine terrorists in separate operations conducted across four governorates.

According to the directorate, the arrests were achieved through coordinated efforts with ground forces in their respective areas. "The operations involved well-executed ambushes and raids on terrorist locations, leading to the capture of individuals wanted by the Iraqi judiciary under Article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law."

The arrests occurred in various regions, including Baghdad, Al-Anbar, Kirkuk, and Nineveh. "The detainees were identified as members of ISIS, holding various roles within the organization." The statement confirmed that the arrested individuals had been transferred to the appropriate legal authorities.

Since ISIS was expelled from the territory it controlled in Iraq in 2017, Iraqi courts have issued hundreds of death sentences and life prison terms to those convicted of ISIS membership.

Recent reports from the US Central Command (CENTCOM) indicate that ISIS attacks in Iraq and Syria are expected to double in 2024 compared to the previous year, suggesting the militant group is attempting to rebuild its capabilities. CENTCOM stated, "The increase in attacks indicates ISIS is attempting to reconstitute following several years of decreased capability."

US officials acknowledge that while ISIS remains a threat, its influence has diminished compared to previous years. The US Defense Department's Office of Inspector General described ISIS as "largely contained" in its fourth-quarter 2023 report.

US Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski emphasized in March, "ISIS is still a threat here, much, much diminished, but nevertheless, our work is essentially not done, and we want to ensure that Iraqi forces can continue the enduring defeat of ISIS."

General Michael Kurilla, head of US Central Command, informed Congress the same month that US intelligence estimates approximately 1,000 ISIS fighters remain active in Iraq.

Some critics argue that statements about ISIS's renewed threat may be used to justify the ongoing US military presence in Iraq.

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