MP demands forming a tribal mobilization in Al-Mu'tasim to confront ISIS

MP demands forming a tribal mobilization in Al-Mu'tasim to confront ISIS

Shafaq News / MP of Saladin and member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Jasim Hussein al-Jabara, demanded the Iraqi government to form a tribal mobilization in Al-Mu'tasim, in Samarra district, to confront ISIS terrorists.

Al-Jabara told Shafaq News agency, " ISIS is threatening areas extending from Al-Mu'tasim to Samarra, al-Hamdaniya and to Albu Khado area”, pointing out, "these are sensitive security areas that we have repeatedly warned of ISIS taking advantage of them, and turning them into shelters and starting points for targeting civilian and security targets.”

He added that the crimes committed by ISIS in the past two are a dangerous sign that requires reconsideration of the insurance plans of Saladin, and the recruitment of a group of tribesmen to confront the danger of the organization.

Al-Jabara called on the Saladin operations command and al-Hashd al-Shaabi to, “help and support Al-Mu'tasim sub-district, whose sons are terrified as a result of the assassinations that targeted citizens inside their homes, amid questions about the role of the security services and other supportive formations."

As to Al-Jabara, there are only 80 policemen in Al-Mu'tasim sub-district, making it easier for the terrorists to infiltrate, move around and carry out surprise attacks and strikes."

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