Lawmaker accuses Abu Fadak and al-Fayyadh of killing demonstrators

Lawmaker accuses Abu Fadak and al-Fayyadh of killing demonstrators
2022-07-17 12:06

Shafaq News/ Independent lawmaker Sajjad Salem on Sunday accused me of al-Hashd al-Shaabi's (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) chairperson and Chief-of-Staff of killing and abducting activists during the mass protests that swept Iraq in October 2019.

In a tweet titled "arms outside the framework of state", Salem said that the sacrifices of those who volunteered in the battle against terrorism could not be defended by leaders who are involved in "bloodshed and corruption."

Salem said that addressing the issue of "the factions, companies, and PMF commission" and eliminating arms outside the framework of state are mandatory for achieving "reform, peace, and stability."

"How could we trust leaders like Abu Fadak and al-Fayyadh?" he added, "those are accused by the Iraqi people, and now we publicly accuse them of killing protesters, abducting others, and undermining the state and its institutions."

"The PMF command is a proxy of all the Islamic parties. It is the root of the problem that if it persists, our community will not witness a democratic regime, stability, or even an election."

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