Iraq arrests nine infiltrators for crossing borders from Syria

Iraq arrests nine infiltrators for crossing borders from Syria

Shafaq News / Iraq’s Military Intelligence arrested on Thursday nine infiltrators entering illegally from Syria.

"In coordination with the Intelligence Department of West Nineveh, the Military Intelligence detachments arrested nine Syrian infiltrators entering illegally through the Iraqi-Syrian border, Tal Afar side, west of Nineveh.” The Intelligence said in a statement

The infiltrators are handed over to the authorities.

It’s noteworthy that the Iraqi government decided to intensify security measures along the border with Syria to restrict the crossing between the two countries.

Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi had issued the order in December 2020, but experts believe that the border is still not completely secured given how long it is. This, in turn, has allowed ISIS remnants and smugglers to thrive.

Security expert Dr. Motaz Muhieddine told Asharq Al-Awsat that Iraq is constantly trying to secure its border with Syria, but all the measures have so far fallen short given how vast the area is and just how familiar ISIS members and smugglers are with it.

He suggested that greater efforts were needed, including reaching an agreement between the Iraqi and Syrian governments.

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