Iranian media: General Qaani visits Iraq, meets with leaders

Iranian media: General Qaani visits Iraq, meets with leaders

Shafaq News / Brig. Gen. Ismail Qaani, the head of Iran's elite Quds Force today, Tuesday, left Iraq after a two-day visit.

Iran’s Al-Alam TV channel reported that during the visit, Qaani met with Iraqi officials and high-ranking figures and leaders of political parties. They discussed ways to develop relations between the two countries and shared perspectives on regional issues of mutual interest.

This is the third announced visit of Qaani to Baghdad since he assumed his position.

Last November, he visited Iraq after the return of the missile attacks that targeted the heavily fortified Green Zone.

According to Reuters, Iran built power in Iraq after the 2003 U.S. invasion that toppled the former President Saddam Hussein and brought rule by Iraq’s Shi’ite majority, especially parties supported by Tehran.

The Revolutionary Guards grew a military-business empire in Iran, and then expanded their influence across Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. They created a corridor to support allies across the region and dominate land borders, over ground trade, and expand their presence at Shi’ite holy places. The Agency added.

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