In the absence of al-Maliki, the Coordination Framework to convene with the Sadrist movement

In the absence of al-Maliki, the Coordination Framework to convene with the Sadrist movement

Shafaq News/ A delegation from the Coordination Framework will convene with the Sadrist movement's negotiation committee to discuss prospects for the upcoming federal cabinet.

A source inside Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of al-Hekma movement, revealed that the meeting will be held next week in the absence of the State of Law Coalition. 

"The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, or whoever represents him will not be a part of the delegation because the Sadrists refuse to discuss the current situation or the government formation with al-Maliki, or who represents him," the source elaborated.

The Coordination Framework, an umbrella body set up in the aftermath of the anti-establishment protests that emerged in Oct. 2019, brings together key Shiite political blocs. Key members include former premiers Nouri Al-Maliki (2006-14) and Haidar Al-Abadi (2014-18), in addition to al-Fatah Alliance leader Hadi al-Ameri, al-Hekma Movement chief Ammar al-Hakim, and al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) chairman Falih Al-Fayyadh. Of note, Muqtada al-Sadr left the Coordination Framework in July this year.

The Sadrist movement has assigned four members to a negotiating committee that will form the Iraqi government following its anticipated victory in the early parliamentary elections.

Al-Sadr has granted the committee chaired by Hussein al-Athari "full power" in matters related to political and parliamentary alliances.

The Sadrists are the main force in the cabinet's lineup that is expected to be assembled after the Supreme Federal Court ratifies the final results of the polls. Al-Sadr has already laid the foundations for the policies the government will pursue.

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