Former governor of Dhi Qar arrested on corruption charges

Former governor of Dhi Qar arrested on corruption charges
Shafaq News/ A reliable security source revealed today that the Anti-Corruption Committee had arrested a former governor. 

The source who preferred to remain anonymous told Shafaq News Agency that the Counter-Terrorism Service arrested the former governor of Dhi Qar Yahya Al-Nasiri, in Baghdad, by order of the Anti-Corruption Committee.

Al-Nasiri is currently being held in a police station in Baghdad for interrogation on corruption charges.

No further details were disclosed. 

By the end of August 2020, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi formed a committee to "investigate corruption and major crimes", headed by Lieutenant-General Ahmed Abu Ragheef, with the membership of officers from the Ministry of Interior, the Intelligence and National Security Services, and the Integrity Commission.

The Counter-Terrorism Service was assigned to implement decisions issued by investigative judges or courts specialized in the investigation committee's corruption cases.

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