Erbil hands over all the oil data to Baghdad: committed to transparency

Erbil hands over all the oil data to Baghdad: committed to transparency

Shafaq News/ The government of the Kurdistan Region announced on Saturday handing over all the data of oil and non-oil incomes and expenditures, along with electronic data of the workers in the Region.

The spokesman of the government, Jutiar Adel, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency that the government of Kurdistan is as committed as always to all its responsibilities and to the transparency the ninth cabinet pursues since its establishment.

He added, "this comes at a time passing the budget law is at its final stages, after many discussions with all the parties involved."

Adel explained that the government of Kurdistan gave the Parliamentary Financial Committee all the details related to the oil revenues and expenditures based on a report issued by Deloitte.

KRG's spokesman said that the regional government also sent documents of non-oil revenues from the border crossings and others, in addition to electronic data on the numbers of the region's employees.

Adel reiterated KRG's commitment to the principles of transparency, expressing its readiness to answers all questions posed by the Federal Ministries of Finance and Oil, as well as the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives.

And he expressed the regional government's readiness to answer any other question related to this issue in order to clear the ambiguity that has an impact on the path of understanding and agreement between the two sides.

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