Demonstrations in Nasiriyah protesting languishing services and unemployment

Demonstrations in Nasiriyah protesting languishing services and unemployment

Shafaq News/ Dozens of raged demonstrators picketed a government headquarters and blocked main roads in Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar protesting the deteriorating services and exacerbating unemployment in the governorate.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that locals in al-Alam neighborhood blocked a main road in Nasiriyah downtown with burning tires to protest the poor services in the area.

He added that contract employees in Dhi Qar's Health Directorate organized a picket at the Directorate's headquarters and blocked al-Haboubi street to demand the implementation of Decree 315.

In the same context, unemployed graduates picketed Dhi Qar's Oil products distribution branch to demand jobs, according to our correspondent.

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