Barzani: Kurds are proud of their Iraq

Barzani: Kurds are proud of their Iraq

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani stressed, on Wednesday, that “the Kurds are proud of their Iraq, and they are determined to continue work for the sake of Iraq's stability, security and sovereignty.”

 This came during his meeting in Baghdad with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Al-Kadhimi’s office stated that during the meeting, important files were discussed that would enhance integration and cooperation between state institutions in both the federal government and the regional government, based on the constitution.

 He added, "The national efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic were also discussed, as well as the continuous efforts and coordination to confront ISIS cells ."

The Iraqi PM praised "the importance of the Peshmerga role as an integral part of the Iraqi security system."

 For his part, Barzani affirmed the Kurdistan Region’s pride in "the role that Iraq began to represent at the regional and international levels, and in light of the mutual visits at the highest levels between Iraq and friendly countries, and the basic understandings in the interest of Iraq, security and regional stability."

 In addition, the office of Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi announced that the latter discussed with Barzani and his accompanying delegation "the political; Health and security situations and the impact   on the economic situation in the country."

 The meeting also discussed, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, "the Parliament's agenda, and the early elections obstacles such as the electoral districts and amending the Federal Supreme Court law."  .

 The meeting stressed "the importance of continuing discussions and resolving outstanding issues according to the constitution, and working to give priority to the supreme national interest, and coordination in order to overcome crises."

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