Shafaq News/ To escape the high temperatures that swept Iraq, Umm Muhammad headed from Wasit Governorate to the Iranian Ilam Province, located on the border, to spend the Eid al-Adha holiday, especially since the distance between the Iraqi border and Ilam does not take more than two hours in the car.

Thanks to its mountainous regions, plains, rivers, and wonderful waterfalls, Ilam Province in western Iran is one of the distinctive tourist destinations for nature lovers, with its ancient history dating back 10,000 years.

Ilam is also known as Zagros Bride with its various tourist attractions, and it is worth noting that natural tourism in this Province is the main indicator of tourism, "so the trip program only included natural tourism," according to Umm Muhammad.

Umm Muhammad explained to Shafaq News Agency her visit to Ilam, "When we arrived at the Iranian port of Mehran, Ilam was waiting for us with its beautiful atmosphere and moderate weather. After resting at the hotel, our journey began, heading to the tourist areas throughout the Eid al-Adha period, among the mountains and stunning scenery."

She confirmed that "Ilam is the favorite tourist destination for the people of Wasit due to its proximity, as it is only two hours away by car," noting that "the prices of hotels, restaurants, and even treatment there are reasonable, in addition to the good hospitality, so many people prefer it, especially in these days that are witnessing a rise in temperatures in Iraq."

Ilam is also called "Feili Ilam" because many of its residents are Feili Kurds who immigrated to it after being displaced by the Ba'ath Party. In this context, the Feili Kurd Abu Ali said to Shafaq News, "Ilam has a population of 10 million, 4 million of whom are Feili Kurds.

Ali Jassim from Wasit, who regularly visits Ilam Governorate, said, "Ilam is visited by many tourists, especially from Wasit, Baghdad, and Diyala governorates, because of its proximity, low prices, its beauty, and its stable security situation," noting that "the most important tourist areas in it are the Ama Waterfalls, the Ilam Dam, the Kulm district which is one hour away from Ilam, the ancient Qiran Castle, which is built on the top of Mount Qolaqiran, Bam Ilam, as well as the central bazaar of Ilam, and many tourist areas."

During his talk to Shafaq News Agency, Jassim added, "The most famous hotels in Ilam are Zagros and Khalash, but the number of hotels there is small, so most tourists live in apartments and small houses, and prices on normal days range between 500 thousand to one and a half million tomans, and in Event days range from 800,000 to two million tomans, while transportation prices are reasonable."

Ilam Province, located 710 km from Tehran, attracts the attention of many tourism companies as it is characterized by the beauty of nature and the splendor of historical places.

The owner of a tourism company in Wasit Governorate said, "The Iran Ilam group costs 85 thousand dinars (about 68$) for four days, and the trip takes only two hours. The program includes heading towards the Mehran port and from there to the city of Ilam, which is one hour away from the border. After arriving, receiving the rooms, and resting a tourist tour will be carried out to Ilam Corniche and Takhta Khan Restaurant."

"On the second day, we go to the Sayyid al-Shuhada Bazaar, and there are also doctors in the city with a translator to facilitate the tourists' dealings with the residents. On the third day, we go to the waterfalls and the Ilam Dam Lake, and on the fourth day, after eating breakfast, we take a free shopping tour in the large Ilam market to buy gifts, have lunch, and then head to the homeland," the owner of the company told Shafaq News Agency.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the archaeological or natural tourist attractions in Ilam are diverse, the most important of which are mineral water springs and caves in its mountain ranges, such as Khofash Cave and Qir Spring. The tourist attractions also include Ismail Khan Castle, which is located at the heights of the water reservoirs and overlooks the city of Ilam in a rocky mountainous area that makes the path to reach it very difficult.

The sites include Shamangir Mountain, which is considered one of the suitable destinations for mountaineering and tourism, as well as Mount "Ahoran," a unique place for nature and adventure lovers, with a height of 2120 meters, starting from the desert valley in the west and ending on the slopes.

Touching on the most famous tourist places in Ilam, it is necessary to mention the huge "Konatarikeh" cave, which contains wonderful stone sculptures, columns, and picturesque stalagmites and stalactites.

At a distance of 20 km from Ilam on the "Shar" road, there is a park that includes beautiful and huge trees known as "Tajrian," and next to it, there is another oasis called "Tank Behesht."

In this context, "Zile Zerd" is one of the most important tourist areas in Ilam and home to many rare plants and animals in the country, as it contains domestic and wild goats, rams, wolves, foxes, and rabbits.