Shafaq News / Al-Sulaymaniyah governorate in Kurdistan played host to a captivating women's exhibition of artisanal and local products on Tuesday, attracting a substantial turnout of city residents.

Sarwa Othman, the overseer of the "Khayali Khanman Group," conveyed to Shafaq News Agency, "Marking the fifth anniversary since the inception of Khayali Khanman Group, we orchestrated a celebratory event today that encompassed a bustling bazaar and an exhibition showcasing the contributions of 25 group members."

Furthermore, she elaborated that "the exhibition wonderfully showcased an array of handmade crafts, local Kurdish cuisine, a captivating fashion spectacle, and an assortment of women's cosmetic products."

Sarwa continued that "the central objective of this exhibition is to support the group's members and to enlighten the younger generation about the rich tapestry of traditional Kurdish customs and heritage," Noting, "The exhibition is set to run for a single day."