Shafaq News / The Directorate of Forests and Environment Police in al-Sulaymaniyah reported on Sunday the outbreak of a wildfire that ravaged approximately 10,000 dunams of grasslands, thickets, and natural trees in the Sharbazhir district.

In a statement issued today, the directorate revealed that the fire erupted on the outskirts of villages including Bari Gora, Bari Bachuk, Mosk, and Timar, leading to the destruction of around 10,000 dunams of natural trees, grasses, and thickets.

Efforts to extinguish the blaze were hindered due to the rugged terrain, presence of mines, and explosives in the area, despite the arrival of forestry police units from the Sharbazhir region, as mentioned in the statement. The challenging conditions made it difficult to contain the fire.

The statement further detailed that with the combined efforts of the mentioned fire department, border police, and local residents, the wildfire was eventually brought under control.