Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani on Monday called for "reseting" the ties between the ethno-sectarian components of Iraq, lambasting the selective implementation of the Iraqi constitution.

Talabani's remarks came during a panel discussion titled "The Great Reset: Erbil-Baghdad Relations and the Future of Iraq" on the sidelines of the 4th Middle East Peace and Security (MEPS) forum; an annual event organized by the American University in Kurdistan (AUK) between November 19 and 21.

"It's crucial to get our house in order. Prioritizing regional matters doesn't mean neglecting Iraq," he said, "we must concentrate on the broader constitution we're working with. Neglecting either could lead to potential failure."

"We cannot have a functioning constitution in Kurdistan if we do not have our rights in Iraq. That cannot happen if the question of federalism remains unanswered in Iraq."

"we need to reset the political relationships between all the components of Iraq," he added. "is Iraq a federal state?"

"The constitution has become a food menu - everyone picks what they want," said the Deputy Prime Minister.