Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Masrour Barzani reiterated the Kurdistan Regional Government's commitment to protecting the Christians in the region as he met with Cardinal Louis Sako, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and worldwide, in Erbil earlier today, Monday.

According to a statement by Barzani's bureau, Cardinal Sako provided an overview of his visit to the Vatican, including his meetings with the Pope and Catholic cardinals from all over the world.

Sako thanked Barzani for his continuous support for Christians in Iraq and Kurdistan, and the efforts he made to achieve a peaceful coexistence between the diverse components of the region.

Prime Minister Barzani praised Cardinal Sako's significa nt role as the highest leader of the Chaldean Catholic Church and asserted. the regional government's commitment to protecting the rights of Christians and all components in the region.