Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, received on Sunday General Mateo McFarlin, the general commander of the Alliance forces in Iraq and Syria.

A statement by Barzani's office said that the meeting discussed the latest developments and changes in Iraq and the region and the continued support of Peshmarga forces in fighting the terror and threats of ISIS terrorists and the importance of protecting the border security.

The general commander of the Alliance forces in Iraq and Syria, pointed out the progress of the security cooperation between Peshmarga and the Iraqi army in fighting terrorism, especially in the last year, and emphasized the importance of working to close the security gaps.

The two parties also had a briefing about the results of the visit of the high government delegation to Baghdad and meeting with the Federal Prime Minister, especially the development of the aid and the security cooperation between the Peshmarga and the Iraqi army.