Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with a British military delegation led by the Chief of Defence Staff's Senior Advisor to the Middle East and North Africa (DSAME), Martin (Sammy) Sampson, on Wednesday.

The meeting, held in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, discussed ways to enhance security and military cooperation between the two sides, a readout by Barzani's bureau read.

The two statesmen also discussed the wars and crises in the Middle East, and concurred on the importance of maintaining security and stability, and of keeping Iraq out of wars and military confrontations.

Barzani laid emphasis on protecting and guaranteeing the constitutional rights of the people of Kurdistan, respecting the legal and constitutional entity of the Kurdistan region, and consolidating the federal system in Iraq.

He reiterated his call for the international community to play an active role in resolving the outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government of Iraq, the readout said.