Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani said in a statement on Sunday, "While we are moving towards the beginning of the new year, the region as a whole is facing threats that undermine stability and create crises, wars, and chaos.

"Our region can no longer endure conflicts, violence, terrorism, or instability. Amidst this, it is the duty of the international community to play its role and fulfill its commitments to protect peace and security, prevent the expansion of crises, and mitigate threats in our region," Barzani added.

"In the new year, it is hoped that the federal government will take steps towards addressing the issues with the Kurdistan Region and commit to constitutional principles while advancing the interests of Iraq's peoples," he explained, emphasizing, "The message of the Kurdish people to everyone has always been a message of dialogue, understanding, and resolution, as this is the best way to achieve stability, calm, and progress."

Barzani concluded his statement by saying, "I hope that 2024 will be the year when the problems of Iraq and our region come to an end, and that peace and tranquility will be achieved for all citizens of Kurdistan, Iraq, and our entire region."