Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday convened with the Yazidi leader, Hazim Tahsin Beg, to deliberate on the current state of the Yazidi community and the specific conditions in the Sinjar region.

According to a readout issued by his bureau, Barzani discussed with Tahsin Beg the conditions of the Yazidi community, with a particular emphasis on the Sinjar district.

The readout said Barzani reiterated his government's unwavering support for the rights and demands of the Yazidi people and underscored the necessity of implementing the Sinjar Agreement.

The implementation would entail the expulsion of unauthorized militias and armed factions, paving the way for the normalization of the area's conditions, its reconstruction, and the eventual return of displaced inhabitants, he said.

The Yazidi leader, in turn, expressed his gratitude for the continuous support provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government to the Yazidi community and its efforts in alleviating the pain and suffering of the Yazidis, while also emphasizing the importance of the Yazidi community's role within governmental institutions in the region.