Shafaq News / Four political parties in Sulaymaniyah announced on Monday their entrance into a unified coalition as part of a project to unify Kurdish ranks. While calling for the participation of other Kurdish parties, they affirmed their intention to form a united list in the upcoming elections in Kurdistan Region, and engage in discussions in Kurdish areas outside the region.

During a press conference, Regar Ahmed, the leader of the Kurdistan Liberation Party, stated, "Today, an agreement has been reached to pursue a unified coalition for the purpose of unifying the Kurdish ranks. The four Kurdish parties involved in this coalition are the Kurdistan Liberation Party, the National Alliance Party, the Kurdistan Renewal Movement, and the National Torch Party."

Ahmed further added, "The objective of this enduring coalition among the four parties is to unify the Kurdish ranks in order to provide the best services for citizens and improve their living conditions. Therefore, we call upon all national parties and political figures to join this coalition, which will witness an inaugural conference in the coming days, during which the name of the new party, its president, and members will be announced."

Regarding alliances with other major and opposition parties in Kurdistan, Rikar stated, "The new coalition has no objection to the inclusion of any party, and at the same time, we have no undisclosed agreements with any other party at this moment." He confirmed that they have "visited opposition parties with the purpose of their inclusion in the new coalition."

Regarding their participation in the elections for provincial councils in Kurdish areas outside the region and the Kurdistan Parliament, the four parties clarified that they "will participate in the elections for provincial councils and the Kurdistan Parliament with two options: either by forming a united list in the elections for provincial councils in Kurdish areas outside the region, or individually if an agreement is not reached. As for the elections for the Kurdistan Parliament, the coalition will enter with a united list comprising all the parties affiliated with the coalition."