Shafaq News/ Over 30 journalists from across Iraq convened in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, to discuss the role of Iraqi media in addressing environmental crises and their societal ramifications.

The event, titled "The Role of Iraqi Journalism in Covering Environmental Crisis Repercussions and their Impact on Society", was organized by the Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) under the auspices of the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).

"For two consecutive years now, the organization has undertaken initiatives to serve local journalists in Iraq," Mohammad al-Bassem, the Regional Coordinator for JHR, said, "In tandem, we're offering grants to local institutions and reporters to produce journalistic materials that cater to those suffering due to the crisis."

"The environmental scenario in Iraq is increasingly becoming precarious. Our aim is to empower local journalism to forge changes in the lives of the common man by presenting narratives that echo their struggles and pave a path to resolve their challenges."

The session discussed an array of issues of environmental issues, such as the empowerment of affected social groups, enlightening the media with information, and the role of leading media campaigns in amplifying environmental predicaments.

The JHR, a Canadian developmental media organization, that runs operations in over 33 countries.