Shafaq News/ Rebwar Hamalan, Assistant to Kurdistan's Prime Minister for Service and Investment Affairs, urged the federal government in Baghdad to engage with Erbil in accordance with the Iraqi constitution.

During a press conference held earlier today, Hamalan stated, "The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is a coalition government that includes all parties in the region. The latest visit by the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region to Baghdad was accompanied by a delegation of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, and senior officials in the regional government, each representing a specific political entity."

He added, "The regional government expects Baghdad to deal with the Kurdistan region of Iraq according to the permanent Iraqi constitution. At the same time, the Kurdistan Regional Government will deal with Baghdad according to the constitution, which is what the regional government is currently doing."

On the ongoing issue of salaries, Hamalan emphasized, "the regional government values all efforts aimed at improving the general welfare of citizens and employees. However, we do not want or accept any attempts to determine the fate of the region's employees from any party."

"The Kurdistan Regional Government has harnessed all its diplomatic and political capabilities to resolve the salary issue as quickly as possible."

He noted that "the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region maintains continuous communication with the Iraqi Prime Minister and all government and political parties in Baghdad."

He added that salaries for August and September would be distributed soon.

Hamalan clarified, "The financial audit of the Kurdistan region's employees by the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the Kurdistan Regional Government will be completed tomorrow, and the distribution will be organized according to specific criteria."