Shafaq News / In the capital city of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), Erbil, an environmental awareness workshop was held on Sunday, focusing on environmental issues in Iraq and climate change.

Razzaq Khailani, the official spokesperson for KRI's Environmental Authority, stated that "this workshop aims to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection and combating climate change, both globally and specifically in Iraq. It also serves as a preparatory workshop for Iraq's participation in the COP28 Climate Change Conference scheduled to take place in November in Dubai, UAE."

According to Shafaq News Agency’s correspondent, the workshop was organized under the supervision of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and saw the participation of numerous experts in the field of environmental affairs.

Iraq's environmental situation is marked by several pressing challenges. Water scarcity, exacerbated by dam construction in neighboring countries, threatens agricultural productivity, drinking water availability, and aquatic ecosystems.

Prolonged droughts have further depleted water resources, leading to farmer migration, reduced arable land, and increased poverty rates.

Furthermore, Iraq ranks among the countries most affected by climate change, experiencing rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events. These changes adversely affect agriculture, water resources, and overall living conditions.

Additionally, environmental degradation, including deforestation, soil erosion, and desertification, is compounded by overgrazing, urban expansion, and unsustainable land use practices. Biodiversity loss in unique ecosystems like the Mesopotamian Marshes further compounds environmental challenges.

Iraq's response to these issues has been criticized as insufficient, highlighting the need for greater investment in environmental protection, sustainable agriculture, and climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to secure the environment, public health, and long-term sustainability.