Shafaq News/ The city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, celebrated the birthdays of several Shia Imams on Sunday.

The celebration, which was held at the Alton Mosque, included a religious lecture and a Mawlid, or a celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.

The event was sponsored by the Al-Abbas Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq.

"This is a great opportunity for us to come together and celebrate the birthdays of these important figures in our faith," said Sheikh Mohammed Ali, a local religious leader. "It is also a chance for us to learn more about their teachings and how we can apply them to our own lives."

The event was attended by hundreds of people from all walks of life. Many of them said they were grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the birthdays of those Imams.

"This is a very important day for us," said Fatima Mohammed, a local resident. "We are very happy to be able to celebrate the birthdays of these holy men."