Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Regional Government's Council of Ministers appealed to the federal government in Baghdad to disburse financial entitlements to the region according to the figures outlined in the budget tables.

During its regular session presided over by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, with the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, the Council expressed its condolences and solidarity with the families of victims of recent events in Kirkuk. The Council wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

Strongly condemning the violence inflicted upon peaceful civilian demonstrators protesting against the injustices faced by Kurdish citizens in Kirkuk, the Council urged the federal government and relevant authorities to take immediate legal action against those who used weapons, resulting in the tragic loss of lives. Justice must be served for their actions.

Moving forward, the Council discussed the latest developments regarding the implementation of the Federal Budget Law for 2023. Members of the Kurdistan Regional Government's negotiating delegation presented the outcomes of their recent meeting with the federal government delegation in Baghdad, focusing on Kurdistan's financial rights and claims.

Prime Minister Barzani, on behalf of the Council, expressed gratitude for the regional government delegation's efforts in defending Kurdistan's rights and claims using well-founded data and detailed information, supported by constitutional and legal documents. He emphasized that the regional government is exerting every effort to secure the salaries and entitlements of the region. He expressed concern and disappointment regarding the delay in disbursing the region's salaries for two months, as Baghdad failed to send these funds despite the region's fulfillment of all its obligations within the budget law and the constitution.

Based on these facts, the Council calls on the federal cabinet to review its decision fairly and justly, and to send the financial entitlements to the region based on the figures outlined in the region's share of the budget. Specifically, the Council emphasizes the need to disburse the allocated monthly salary portion, amounting to 906 billion dinars, so that Kurdistan can pay its employees promptly, in line with the rest of Iraq, where salaries are disbursed without delay. This should be done in accordance with the constitution and the principle of equality in law enforcement.

Simultaneously, the Council urges political forces and parties within the region to unify their voices and positions in defending the constitutional rights and entitlements guaranteed to the region. In light of this, the Council proposes convening an extensive meeting of political forces and parties within the region to present the facts.

Furthermore, the Council calls upon the primary political forces that constitute the federal government to disburse the region's entitlements as outlined in the budget tables and to adhere to the ministerial program and political agreements that led to the formation of the government. They should handle Kurdistan's financial rights and claims accordingly.

Lastly, the Council appeals to the international community to support Kurdistan in obtaining its constitutional rights and financial entitlements as per the constitution and signed agreements, while ensuring that the rights of the Kurdish people are not violated unjustly and without cause.