Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the cities of Erbil and Al-Sulaimaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan hosted celebrations on International Women's Day (IWD), a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements.

MP Pakhshan Abdulla Zangana, the chair of the Committee of Protecting Women's Rights in the Kurdish parliament, expressed "the commitment to achieving social justice for women."

During a gathering organized by women activists in Erbil, Zangana told Shafaq News Agency, "We aim to secure social justice, ensuring women find their rightful place in society, and we seek to prevent violence and oppression against women."

Meanwhile, the General Directorate of Arts and Culture in Al-Sulaymaniyah organized an artistic celebration commemorating International Women's Day.

Speaking to Shafaq News, Pema Kohistani, a committee member overseeing the celebration, mentioned that the event comprised a handicraft exhibition by the Directorate of Culture and Arts employees. A documentary film showcasing working women in the cultural sector was presented, complemented by musical performances. The celebration also included the recognition of exceptional female employees.

It is noteworthy that after the establishment of the Kurdistan Regional Government, women were able to form their own organizations, and several women became ministers in the local government cabinet.

Despite the progress, Kurdish and international women's rights organizations still report problems related to gender equality, forced marriages,and honor killings in Iraqi Kurdistan. Different organizations have described the situation differently, sometimes giving conflicting statements.

Kurdish President Nechirvan Barzani often reaffirmed the Kurdistan Region's commitment to women's rights and equality.

"I stand firmly with Kurdish women in their fight for a life free from discrimination and for equal opportunities in every sphere of society," Barzani said in an address to the Kurdistan Women's Union (KWU) last December.

While acknowledging progress, Barzani stressed the need to address persistent challenges, including violence, limited access to education and healthcare, and social barriers to women's professional advancement.