Shafaq News / In a statement released on Friday, the Erbil Chamber of Commerce condemned the assault by Iran on Erbil. It urged citizens and traders throughout the Kurdistan Region (KRI) to boycott Iranian products, refrain from purchasing and importing them. This call comes despite the fact that the Region, especially Erbil, serves as a significant market for Iranian goods, emphasizing the suspension of all trade relations.

The statement further noted that the aim of this attack is nothing but to undermine the security and stability in KRI.

It is noteworthy that last Monday, on the 16th of January, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) conducted a fierce missile attack targeting civilian areas in Erbil, resulting in several casualties.

IRGC claimed responsibility for the strikes, stating that they were a "response to the Zionist regime's crimes against the Islamic Republic."

The Security Council of KRI condemned the missile attack by IRGC, considering it a blatant violation of the sovereignty of the Region and Iraq.