Shafaq News / Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), emphasized during today's Regional Council of Ministers session that the region has fully met all its commitments, leaving no valid reason for the federal government to delay the payment of its financial dues.

In the session's first part, PM Barzani shed light on the latest developments in the implementation of the Iraqi budget law and the ongoing negotiations between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad. Barzani stated, "The KRG has fulfilled all its commitments, and, therefore, the federal government has no excuse to delay the payment of the Region's dues."

The Council of Ministers called on Kurdish forces and parties to "unite in defending the constitutional rights of the Kurdish people and to ensure that the financial dues of the region, as stipulated in the budget law, are duly provided."

In the second part of the session, the Council discussed the electricity and gasoline prices in the Kurdistan Region, along with the efforts made by the Ministry of Electricity and the Ministry of Natural Resources in this regard.

Minister of Electricity and Acting Minister of Natural Resources, Kamal Mohammed Saleh, presented a detailed report on the matter, highlighting the Ministry of Natural Resources' initiatives to address the increase in gasoline prices and the measures taken to facilitate gasoline imports and encourage refineries to produce more crude oil to meet the gasoline demands.